5 Ways to Know You’ve Outgrown Your Website and Brand
A frequent question I get from my Tailored Coaching clients is “how do I know when to build a new website and rebrand?” It’s a topic that is frequently on photographer’s radar, and should be something you take pause with every couple of years. Here are four ways to know you’ve outgrown your website and it’s time for a rebrand.
ONE: Your Website Isn’t Converting
When your website isn’t bringing in the type of clients you want to book, you know it’s time for a new one. Your website should be the heart and soul of your business. Not only is it the only platform that you can 100% control, it is the platform where you can tailor your client’s experience. You get to show them how incredible your client experience is before they even book! You can’t do that on Instagram, Pinterest, or Facebook. If you’re not showcasing your work and client experience in a way that is converting your ideal client. It’s time for a new website and brand.
TWO: You’re Embarrassed of Your Website
If you don’t want to share your website, you find yourself utilizing social media more to showcase your work, or haven’t updated it in months, you have outgrown your website. When you don’t want to share your website with clients, friends, and family, you know you have a problem. Your brands core values need to be the predominant feature across your website. There should be no question as to who you are, what your business offers, and who your business serves. Consistency in your website, brand, work, and client experience will show clients everything they need to know about working with you.
THREE: You Have Invested in Yourself
When you have changed your style or invested heavily in your education, it may be time to upgrade your website and brand. Throughout your photography career you should constantly be investing not only in the backend of your business, but also your personal education. Perfecting your shooting and editing will become a cornerstone to launching and running a successful photography business. If you have recently invested in your education and your shooting and editing style has grown, changed, or improved, you’ve probably outgrown your website and it’s time for an upgrade.
FOUR: You Just Know You’ve Outgrown Your Website
When your website doesn’t convey who you are as a brand anymore and may be described as outdated, boring, or even worse, it’s time for a website upgrade. There is nothing worse that you could do for your business than continue to invest in your photography education, your business education, and leave your website alone. Your website needs to grow with you, your business, and your brand. As you continue to invest in yourself and your business, you also need to continue to invest and update your website and brand. It’s a constant process and should push you towards your goals.
FIVE: Your Website Doesn’t “Spark Joy”
If your website doesn’t feel like you, you’re just plain tired of it, or it no longer “sparks joy within” you have probably outgrown your website. You should be excited about showcasing your website to potential clients. Your website should not be a place that you are trying to hide from others, but a place when you consistently can send them because you are confident in the type of experience they will have when they land there.
At the end of the day it is important to understand what aspects of your business are working, and what are not. Your website is the foundation to your business. Investing in the look, feel, functionality, and user’s experience should be a priority. If taking stock of your website and assessing whether it’s time for a website upgrade isn’t on your goals list for this year – now is the time to add it.